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   The answer to why I am taking a gap year to go on the world race is one that makes perfect sense to some and one that may not seem as straight forward to others. There has been fear and doubts streaming through my mind on whether I can do it, but what is so amazing about the Lord is that I’ve been able to cast all my fears upon Him and clearly see the righteousness this trip contains. In Mark 16:15 Jesus says, “Now go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. This is the easiest answer as to why I’m taking this leap of faith. I want people to know the love of Jesus and I want to give them the freedom of knowing the truth (John 8:32, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”).

     When I first heard of the World Race gap year I admired the brave that had dropped what was comfortable for them in order to pursue something that’s greater than them. In my mind, I knew that it is exactly what I should do. Few things have seemed so clear as to what I needed to do with my life. Diving into the unknown, setting myself aside to pursue something greater, Kingdom building and sharing something that can bring light into even the most difficult lives FOREVER… Isaiah 6:8 says, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? and I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!”. There are a lot of people who can be saved in this world and it is the duty of those who have seen the light to share their experiences and expand the Kingdom of God. There is a mission God put me on and I am ready to carry it out!

3 responses to “Why the World Race?”

  1. You’re so amazing. Can’t wait to hear all that God has in store for you and your amazing journey!!

  2. So excited for you my brother!! Proud of the ways that you seek to tell the lost about the only home they were ever made for. You are a difference maker!

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